Orbita Pro

The most flexible and agile supplier portal on the market, to control and manage the entire purchasing process, saving time and money.


Orbita Pro is a Procurement-to-Pay (P2P) solution. With integration or not with the ERP, which significantly improves the way of working of any purchasing / supply department.

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Custom configuration

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Flexible configuration at the level of companies, projects, lines of business, divisions, works, etc.

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Multi-level User roles. Create as many user roles as you need with their different permissions at the purchasing level and nest the necessary levels of responsibility depending on your organizational chart.

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Supplier Management. Incorporate all your suppliers with all the necessary information and give them access so that they are the ones who keep their information updated. It controls at all times the quality of the information uploaded to the portal and the validity of the necessary associated documentation (Contracts, Certificates, Rates, Templates, etc. …).

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Integration of supplier catalogs, to have all the product information without having to access different portals.

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Grupo 20661

Flexible workflow

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Approval workflow. Based on the user roles created and the purchase limits set, the workflows that will be necessary to approve the requisitions, purchase orders, and their associated invoices are automatically created later.

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Requests for Quotations. The entire process of controlling spending begins by requesting offers from the portal. You can request with a single form as many offers as you consider all the suppliers that are in the database and even invite new suppliers at the same time of launching the request.

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Reception of offers. The suppliers will send all the information related to the offers through the platform, facilitating the control and analysis of the same to carry out the final award.

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Compliance. At the time of awarding the tender to the selected supplier, the system will check whether it meets the requirements established by the company to be able to award a contract or buy a product or service. Otherwise, the system itself will invite the provider to complete the established requirements.

Purchasing and invoice management

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Purchase Orders. For each award, a single Purchase Order (OC) is generated, which will allow the tracking of the purchase until the moment of final payment, once the delivery of the good or service is completed.

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Reconciliation of CO with Invoices. Upon receipt of the invoice from the supplier, the system checks that it corresponds to what was agreed in the Purchase Order previously issued.

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Extraction of invoice information using Artificial Intelligence. OrbitaPro can extract the information from each invoice, automate the recording and reconciliation process.

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Import of electronic invoices format FacturaE. Orbita can also extract information from electronic invoices received from suppliers that already work with this format.

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Integration with accounting and treasury. OrbitaPro integrates with any ERP on the market so that, once the invoice is reconciled and/or validated, the information is sent to accounting and the treasury module. This module can return the estimated date of payment of the invoice that will be informed to the supplier through the portal.
Purchase Orders in progress can also be reported to the treasury module to make cash provisions, thus improving the control of cash flows.

Grupo 20662

Orbita Pro not only streamlines the management of the purchasing process, but also automates the associated administrative processes, centralizing all supplier invoices, simplifying administrative work, automating tasks, reducing errors and ultimately, saving time and money in any Organization.

We digitize your purchasing processes
and payment to suppliers.